Rules of engagement for the culture war. These have been culled from the tactics suggested by 4G warfare and have been found to actually work in the GamerGate and Hugo Award fracases.
1. The truth is paramount.
2. Know yourself and know your enemy.
3. Don't interrupt when the enemy is making a mistake.
4. Stand for the cause, not the people. People will always betray you.
5. Dialect for the persuadable, rhetoric for the partisans. The objective is not to win arguments, but recruits.
6. Use divide and conquer to your advantage, avoid falling prey to it. No enemies on the right, but the Left will always eat their own.
7. Strategy always beats tactics, play the long game.
8. Have FUN.
9. The enemy is always lying. find the lie, expose it and move on.
10. The enemy is always projecting. Whatever it is they are accusing you of, that is not only what they are doing, it is what they feel guilty about. Use it
11. Wrong is not Evil, but Evil is Wrong.
12. The objective is not to gain ourselves a place at the table, but to
deny them theirs. They will not allow us a voice, no matter how we
13. There is no compromise. There is no live-and-let-live. These people literally want you dead. They must be humiliated, driven out, and
never ever allowed any authority.
14. Drive the enemy to apoplexy. Every shrieking rant from them garners us
recruits. We seek not to satisfy supposedly neutral observers, but to
entertain bystanders and energize our own troops. If you can make them laugh, you win.
15. Good leaders don't develop followers, they develop leaders . -- Lubavitche Rebbe
What is this place? This blog started out as a place to collect links and information about various efforts Catholics are making to restore Catholic life to what it should be. I was looking for a Catholic refuge from the secular world. It seems those are no longer allowed, and we must all cower before the naked power of the secular state.
In the posts you will find mention of my wife's cancer, which put a large crimp in our plans. More recently, we have purchased the property on which we have been living for twenty three years, so I guess we're not moving any time soon.
Still, I have things to say, and experiences others might profit from, so I will put them up here when it occurs to me. I have long been thinking I should put some of my projects up on the web as well, and this as good a place as any, so I have created a projects page to document my projects and to spur me to complete them more quickly.
I have also taken to putting up various thoughts I have, as well as quips and quotes I find around the internet.
All posts, comments, and emails are considered contributed for public discussion, and may be quoted partially or completely for whatever purpose I chose to put them to, here or elsewhere.
1. The truth is paramount.
2. Know yourself and know your enemy.
3. Don't interrupt when the enemy is making a mistake.
4. Stand for the cause, not the people. People will always betray you.
5. Dialect for the persuadable, rhetoric for the partisans. The objective is not to win arguments, but recruits.
6. Use divide and conquer to your advantage, avoid falling prey to it. No enemies on the right, but the Left will always eat their own.
7. Strategy always beats tactics, play the long game.
8. Have FUN.
9. The enemy is always lying. find the lie, expose it and move on.
10. The enemy is always projecting. Whatever it is they are accusing you of, that is not only what they are doing, it is what they feel guilty about. Use it
11. Wrong is not Evil, but Evil is Wrong.
12. The objective is not to gain ourselves a place at the table, but to deny them theirs. They will not allow us a voice, no matter how we approach.
14. Drive the enemy to apoplexy. Every shrieking rant from them garners us recruits. We seek not to satisfy supposedly neutral observers, but to entertain bystanders and energize our own troops. If you can make them laugh, you win.
15. Good leaders don't develop followers, they develop leaders . -- Lubavitche Rebbe